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Autobiography of Time

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The Gods created nine angels who would keep track of everything that ever happened on the Earth. I was angel number nine, time.  I go on and on forever and I don’t stop for anyone. I know everything and I can twist and turn people’s lives however I want. I am supreme. Everyone wants me and everyone regrets having wasted me.

I saw the evolution of humans, how they learned to survive, experienced wars, and saw millions die. I saw rebellions, partitions, riots, and deaths. I despise the things I do. I have a choice of giving a person what he wants or making that person earn it the hard way and respect what he earned even more.

India could have been freed centuries ago. The British coming to India was preventable. I refused to tell the Kings about this because I knew they would support the British for their personal gains which made the lives of the Indians miserable. I knew the Kings would regret it so instead of making them say no to the British, I let them do whatever they wanted.

If India’s freedom struggle wouldn’t have cost the lives of so many, the upcoming generations would not appreciate it. Likewise, every war, every wrongdoing is preventable, I can make it preventable but I don’t. It exposes the secrets of many that need to be exposed. It teaches everyone a lesson.

Everything or everyone need not be perfect. The biggest thing you should learn in your life is to learn from your mistakes. If you keep on winning, if you keep on being successful without regretting anything, you wouldn’t move on. You would be still living in the past. You wouldn’t make changes to your personality.

Sometimes people blame me for their backfired actions. Like right now Mary from 11th Cornelia Street is. This is what she is saying,” Ugh, I spent 9 hours a day studying in the past three weeks and all I get is a 70%! I don’t know what went wrong!”. I will tell you what went wrong Mary. You planned to study 9 hours a day which is commendable but out of 9 hours you were on your phone for two hours trying to learn the new TikTok dance.

Then the sequel to your favorite movie came out and you spent another two hours watching that. You took one hour, yes one hour to pick out an outfit for a dinner party you had to attend. Then you were feeling motivated to study so you sat with your books for no more than 30 minutes before you felt the need to dress up early so that you won’t have any ‘wardrobe mishaps’. So instead of wasting time if you had spent at least two hours a day studying properly, you didn’t have to blame me for getting a 70% which I am even surprised you managed to get.

There are cases when people lose their business deals and use “the time wasn’t just right” to get out of it. How is the time right or wrong? My job is just to keep moving. I heal some, I break some, I bring someone, I take away someone, I make you cherish some, hate some.

You grow wise with age… I am age… I am old and at the same time, young… I am time, the wisest of all.

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Comments: 2
  1. Curious Kitty says:

    Wow Laksshha. That’s very deep.
    Keep it up!

  2. Laksha_khanna says:

    thank you!

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