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Tonga – Volcanic Eruption + Tsunami (Unhappy Hours)!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Tonga – An island that made everyone smile

Our regular curious readers are familiar with the Tongan archipelago. For those of you who are new to our curious channel, an introduction is required.

Tonga is a small island in the South Pacific Ocean. It’s not the only island, but a bunch of islands clubbed together is known as a Tongan archipelago. The island of Tonga is well known for its crystal clear blue waters. The marine life is to be seen to be believed. The icing on the cake is that the natives of Tonga are extremely friendly, humble and lead simple lives.

Distress signals and SOS!

As little as we know when the future holds for everyone, on 16th January, Tonga was rocked by a Tsunami. An underwater volcanic eruption caused the Tsunami. Immediately the island was cut off from the rest of the world. Nevertheless, surveillance and satellite images provided much-needed information on the scale of devastation.

Some of the neighbouring islands like Mango and Fonoi broadcasted distress signals.  These were promptly acted upon by aid authorities. Thankfully, the concerned authorities in New Zealand and Australia are trying their best to support the people in need.

At Curious Times our hearts go out to the people and all those in need of help. Surrounding islands are covered by volcanic dust and authorities are trying to figure out the extent of the damage.

Aid in time saves lives

Humanitarian efforts continue in such critical times. The news reports indicate that lives have been lost and people are missing. A damaged undersea communications cable makes communication even harder. But, the use of satellite phones seems the best bet for now.

With time as wounds heal and the islands begin to smile, we believe whoever is impacted by this natural tragedy will rise above it all. In the end, our human spirit will reign supreme.

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