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Image depicting High-processed-food diets may hasten mental decline!

Ultra-processed-food diets may hasten mental decline!


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Recent studies have found that eating a lot of highly processed foods may speed up the loss of brain function. Researchers have known for a long time that diets high in fat and sugar could hurt the brain. Furthermore, it could lead to a cognitive decline.

What are ultra-processed foods?

Ultra-processed foods come from other foods, like fats, starches, added sugars, and unhealthy fats.

What are processed foods?

Any food that has been changed in some way while it was being made is a processed food. Freezing, canning, baking, and drying are all simple ways to process food.

Many factors that lead to cognitive decline are out of a person’s control, such as their genes and their social environment.

But there is growing evidence that a bad diet could lead to loss of memory as one age. In addition, an unhealthy diet also makes one sensitive to mental illnesses.

Key facts!

  • Researchers conducted a study to examine the rate of mental loss over a period of nearly eight years.
  • This was done across different groups of persons who consumed varying quantities of ultra-processed foods.
  • Over 10,000 people took part in this study.
  • They provided information about their eating patterns from the year before to the start of the study.
  • After then, the researchers monitored the subjects’ cognitive performance throughout the course of the subsequent years.
  • This was done using well-established tests of memory and brain function.
  • Ultra-processed food eaters had a higher rate of cognitive impairment than those who ate little or none.
  • In another study, more than 70,000 people participated in the experiment.
  • The objective was to investigate whether or not a diet high in ultra-processed foods is associated with an increased risk of memory loss.
  • Over a period of ten years, nearly one out of every 120 people in the group that consumed the highest amounts of ultra-processed foods was diagnosed with memory loss.
  • Health experts point out that a significant number of ultra-processed meals have high levels of chemicals, preservatives, or colouring agents.
  • In addition, ultra-processed meals have a deficient amount of fibre and nutrients.

Watch a video

Dr Eric Berg shares his thoughts on ultra-processed foods.

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