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Virgin Galactic launches its first space flight


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, little explorers! Get ready to blast off into an out-of-this-world adventure where we’ll learn about a super cool space flight! 

Once upon a time, on July 11th, something amazing happened! A company called Virgin Galactic did something that had never been done before. They sent people to space! Now, this wasn’t like the astronauts you see on TV. These were regular people like you and me, going on a space adventure.

Space-tastic Adventures Await!

  • Imagine if you could take a trip to space, just like going on vacation. Well, that’s what Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, and Blue Origin want to do! They’re like big teams of space builders, making spaceships for everyone to ride. But this story is mostly about Virgin Galactic.
  • Now, the boss of Virgin Galactic is a super rich and super smart person named Richard Branson. He’s like a space wizard! He started a bunch of cool companies, and one day, he said, “Let’s go to space!” So, he hopped on a rocket with five other friends, including two pilot pals.
  • They rode in a rocket called VSS Unity. This spaceship is like no other because it doesn’t start from the ground. Nope, it has a special big plane friend that carries it up in the air first. When they’re high up, Unity goes zooming off into space!
  • Guess where they went? About 85 kilometers above a place called New Mexico in the US. It’s like going really, really high in the sky. The whole trip, from leaving Earth to coming back, only took an hour and a half. That’s shorter than some cartoons!
  • Oh, and guess who was on that space joyride too? Sirisha Bandla, a super cool person from India who works with Virgin Galactic. She’s like a space superhero! She became the third lady from India to fly in space. 
  • You know, when you read a book, sometimes you can guess things that aren’t exactly written down. So, let’s guess some things about this space story. Since Richard Branson and his buddies went on a test flight, it’s like they’re trying out a new ride at a theme park. They’re checking if it’s safe and fun before letting lots of people come along.
  • And, wow, did you hear that around 600 people are so excited about this space trip that they already paid for their ticket? Imagine a line of spaceships waiting to zoom off like a bunch of shooting stars!
  • So, that’s the amazing story of how Virgin Galactic sent regular people on a space adventure. They even had a spaceship named Unity that’s launched from a special plane buddy. Richard Branson and his pals had a space party way up in the sky. And remember, space is for everyone – from billionaires to people who love to dream big!
  • Hey, if you ever want to float like a feather in space and wave at the planets, who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be on a spaceship too, having your own space-tastic time!

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