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World Day of Bullying Prevention!


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On World Day of Bullying Prevention, it’s important to understand what bullying is, why it happens, and how to stop it. We will explore the history of this special day, learn about the forms of bullying happening in 2023, and find out ways children like you can prevent it and help make everyone feel safe and happy.

A Look Back

Many years ago, bullying was common. Kids got teased a lot. For example, some were called names because of their glasses. Others were laughed at for being short. It wasn’t nice.

A special day was born to fight bullying. Every year, on one day, we all stand up together. Like a big team. We wear blue shirts. Blue is the color that shows we are against bullying. It’s a day of unity.

Changes Over Time

Bullying has changed, but it’s still here. Earlier, it was stealing lunch money. Now, it’s mean messages online too. But every year, on the World Day of Bullying Prevention, we learn new ways to fight it. We become stronger together. Each blue shirt is a promise to be kind. Every smile is a step away from bullying.

Kids learn. Teachers learn. Even parents learn. We all learn that bullying is wrong. Schools have special classes on this day. They teach kids how to be kind. There are stories of heroes who stood up to bullies. Like Sarah, who once saw a boy being picked on because he was new. She didn’t walk away. She walked up to him and became his friend. The bullies walked away.

We all have a Sarah inside us. On World Day of Bullying Prevention, we let her out. We wear blue, stand tall and say, “No!” to bullying. Each year, we get louder. Each year, the bullies get smaller. That’s the power of this special day. That’s the power of us.

Bullying Today

Bullying is still here. Kids face it at school and online. Some kids send mean texts. Others post unkind messages on social media. It makes the one being bullied feel alone and sad. For example, Sara received a mean text that made her cry. Tom saw an unkind post about him online. It hurt their feelings.

There are different ways kids bully others. Name-calling is one way. It’s using bad words to make someone feel small. Another is exclusion. It means leaving someone out on purpose. Jake was called names, and it hurt. Amy was not invited to the party, and she felt alone.

Bullying is painful. It makes kids not want to go to school. They feel scared and alone. Emma used to love school. But after being bullied, she didn’t want to go. Alex loved playing outside. But bullying made him stay indoors. Bullying takes away the joy.


In 2023, bullying has not left us. It has only changed its face and places. With the advent of the digital world, the spaces have expanded but so has the reach of kindness and help. Every mean text and unkind post can be countered with words of support and acts of kindness. Together, we can stand against bullying and turn the tide.

We Can Stop Bullying

Kindness is a superpower. Every child can use it. For example, if you see someone sitting alone, join them. If someone drops their books, help pick them up. These little acts of kindness make a big difference. Bullies find it hard to be mean when surrounded by kindness.

Imagine a school where every kid helps others. There are no bullies in such a place. Every smile, every helping hand makes this dream real. Every child can be a hero. It starts with one kind act.

Role of Friends

Friends are like stars in the sky. They shine bright together. If a friend is being bullied, don’t walk away. Stay. Be the light. Like when Jamie saw Alex being teased. Jamie didn’t run. Jamie stayed, and others came too. The bully walked away. Friends, together, are strong.

In class, in the playground, always stand by your friends. With friends by their side, no child feels alone. Every child feels brave. Bullies can’t win against the light of friendship.

Children’s Measures

Education is a tool. A powerful one. Children can learn what bullying is and why it’s bad. Like in Mrs. Anderson’s class. Every child drew what a world without bullying looked like. They shared. They talked. The room was filled with ideas of kindness and bravery.

Learning makes a child powerful. If every kid knows about bullying, they can stop it. Every drawing, every conversation makes a change. It starts in the classroom and grows in the playground. Then it becomes a wave of change.

Final Thoughts

Stopping bullying is possible. Every child has the power. This power is in kindness, in friendship, in learning. On World Day of Bullying Prevention, let’s use this power. Every kind act, every friend by our side, every lesson learned is a step forward. A step to a world where every child is safe, happy, and free from bullying. A world where every child shines bright.

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