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Image depicting Discover 3D Water Cycle Project for Kids

Discover 3D Water Cycle Project for Kids

Image depicting Discover 3D Water Cycle Project for Kids

Hello, curious minds of Curious Times! Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of science with Ashutosh Dash from Shalom Hills International School. Ashutosh has shared his incredible 3D Water Cycle Project, a perfect example of how STEM learning can be both educational and fun, especially during summer vacation.

Using Tinkercad, a free and easy-to-use 3D design platform, Ashutosh has created a visually stunning model of the water cycle. This hands-on DIY project brings to life the complex processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and collection in a way that’s easy for kids to understand.

Ashutosh’s 3D model not only demonstrates his creativity but also showcases his understanding of this crucial science project concept. The vibrant colors and clear labeling make the water cycle easy to follow, while the 3D aspect adds an extra layer of engagement.

This project is a fantastic example of how kids can use technology to learn and explore scientific concepts. It’s a testament to the power of education and the endless possibilities of kids’ activities when combined with a little ingenuity. So, if you’re looking for a fun and educational way to spend your summer, why not give Ashutosh’s water cycle project a try? It’s a great way to make a splash while learning about our amazing planet!

Submitted by Ashutosh Dash, Shalom Hills International School

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Ashutosh Dash

9, Shalom Hills International School

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