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Image depicting environment and nature

Environment: Wake Up Before The Last Minute Arrives

Image depicting environment and nature

Save Environment: Wake Up Before The Last Minute Arrives!

Friendly Environment

The place where we can live getting all the facilities and advantages is none other than our environment. We can’t say that we’re partially dependent on her because all these shops, malls and factories etc are indirectly from her only. Without our environment, we would have been extinct years ago. She provides us with so much starting from the water of lakes, ponds, oceans etc and even salt from seas and oceans. We also get our life-saving gas – Oxygen, logs for making furniture, rubber, perfumes, fibres etc all from plants and trees. And they not only provide us with these but also increases the natural beauty, absorbs Carbon dioxide and make the surrounding look fresh and green. We even get fruits, vegetables and spices for having our food from the environment.

Another major part includes the wild animals. They too increase the beauty of our planet and makes it look magnificent. Just see so much our environment provides us with. If she wasn’t there what would have happened to us can’t be imagined.

Harmful effects of our deeds on the environment 

Still, we, humans without being grateful to our environment, continue to harm her from each side. Every single thing deforestation, global warming, ozone hole, melting of ice in the glaciers etc are all interconnected. The root of everything is deforestation. When a large number of trees are cut down it’s called deforestation. But we’re cutting them in massive quantities which are leading to global warming. Without trees, carbon dioxide isn’t getting absorbed and when it’s more, it’s affecting the ozone layer. This way a large amount of the UV Rays are entering causing Global Warming. Even landslides are occurring due to fewer trees and plants in the mountainous areas.

Plants control rainfall too and so when more rainfall occurs, somewhere floods and somewhere landslides happen. Now if we come back to global warming, it’s also creating an Ozone Hole where the UV Rays enter our planet directly. Even when we use plastic items and burn them, later the gas appears and after turning on the AC, the Chlorofluorocarbon that comes out also creates this Ozone Hole. Plastics are such things that even don’t decompose in the soil as it’s a chemicals. These substances hence affect the environment very badly. These all lead to air pollution and land pollution. Water & noise pollutions are two others we cause. Due to all these an Ozone Hole is already made over the Antarctic region. This leads to the melting of glaciers and ice caps which will eventually cause floods and destruction. We also kill the wild beasts in huge quantities for their meat and skin. This way many of them are endangered and some have gone extinct.

Be Aware: Save Environment 

If in this way everything goes on then there will be a day when no sign of our existence will be left on Earth. Wake up humans, don’t think this matter to be very simple. We’re showing our cruelty to the environment, but if ever she shows us her cruelty to us, we won’t be able to bear it. Stop these before the last minute. Our Earth as well as our environment are only one. Don’t make our future generation’s lives miserable and live in harmony with our dear environment. Save the environment!


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