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Image depicting Why Racism Persists: A Deeply Rooted Problem

Why Racism Persists: A Deeply Rooted Problem

Image depicting Why Racism Persists: A Deeply Rooted Problem

Racism: An endless cycle of discrimination and now becoming a norm that continues to persist through ages. Racism has existed ever since the earliest of times. As long ago as 11,000 years ago, with the issue of slavery. Indians were discriminated against in British India, in their own country. “Nothing lasts forever” is quoted by many people but racism continues to prove this quote wrong.

I agree with the statement that ‘racism will always exist, no matter how hard we try’. There are multiple discriminated against, which is too much to completely stop, and these people include: people of certain ethnicities, cultures, race, and caste.

These groups are often excluded and discriminated against because of many reasons. A strong reason includes the prejudices and stereotypes that have been built around them. This is due to their representation in media. To define representation in media, its means to say how they are represented in television shows, movies and even social media, including YouTube and TikTok.

Even if one doesn’t build prejudice, it is a human characteristic and nature to judge a book by its cover. Building assumptions based on media and little knowledge impacts a great deal, and is a large cause as to why one may be racist.

Another reason is based upon social statuses and hierarchy systems. From the oldest of times, people of colour were sorted into a different category. First it was slaves, but even after, they were discriminated in workforces and could only live in certain areas. Although it has lessened, the social status still exists today and if the discriminated groups don’t make a name or prove themselves “worthy.”

And while there are people who will discriminate openly, there are people who are the “good” ones that don’t challenge racism. Even if they see discriminatory actions being done in front of them, they will ignore it but think they aren’t being racist despite not defending the victim. Another issue is when they fail to recognize racism in themselves.

There are multiple reasons why racism exists and shutting them all down at once is a task consisting of work of multiple years. Breaking prejudices and stereotypes from one’s mind, changing all representation on media at once, challenging a social structure, and changing ideologies is an independent person’s job, not a job that can be done by others.

Racism is not something we want, not something we need. Did we ask for such a curse to be implemented on humanity? If being racist and discriminatory is an individual effort, ending racism should be an individual effort too.

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Sanaa Celly

9, Scottish High International, Gurugram, Haryana

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