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Guardian Angels

Them, the guardian angels;
The soldiers, the largest force in this world.

They fight till their final twitch,
for their nation to procure freedom .

Their sacrifices don’t have an end,
As they wear the cap for their nation.

They work for years , all day and night;
Without thinking about their lives.

They forget their fatigue, and fight all around .
They don’t let us know what happens them in the borders .

They fight unbiased, for us to live gaily .
Their miseries are kept inside, as they are the fiend of their motherland;

To pledge their lives for the domain .
Their pride being a soldier gives them credence to fight more .
We don’t savvy their pains,
as we don’t encounter standing there.

We may not think of them;
But their sacrifices will make us do it.

They don’t want us to shed tears when they pass on,
But want new guardians to wear this cap;
To care for their country as angels.

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Karthika Jithesh

10, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kannur

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