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Image depicting Lucky Day - Short Story

Lucky Day – Short Story

Image depicting Lucky Day - Short Story

Lucky Day

It was a dark stormy night. I was in my bed reading a fabulous storybook. Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
I went to open the door but there was nobody!
I went to see who was in the corners of the wall, but there was nobody.

Suddenly a strong and whirling wind carried me away. Then the wind stopped. I fell down on some bunches of hays.
Is it a good or rather bad day for me?
I walked in the dark. Then I hit on a tall and scary tree. It started talking to me. I ran and ran but the tree was chasing me saying ‘I am the tree of the stormy night’. This made me run faster and faster. Is it a good or rather bad day for me?

As I was running, I saw a ferocious lion with its jaws open.
But not an ordinary lion, a huge one, the size of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I saw the lion in front of me. Is it a good or rather bad day for me?

I fell on the ground with a big ‘Thud’
I woke up from my bed and saw my book down.
It’s a nightmare. No big lion, no talking tree, no strong wind.
No knock on the door. Now you know why it’s a lucky day for me.

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2, Gems Millennium School

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