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Image depicting Reviving the Ganga River: A Journey Towards Cleanliness

Reviving the Ganga River: A Journey Towards Cleanliness

Image depicting Reviving the Ganga River: A Journey Towards Cleanliness

A Kaleidoscope of Life along the Ganga River: A Young Conservationist’s Plea

Ahamteertwaa Maity, a budding naturalist from Techno India Group Public School, Kolkata, has gifted us a vibrant tapestry showcasing the rich biodiversity that thrives along the sacred Ganga River. With the meticulousness of a seasoned researcher and the heart of a true nature lover, this young artist invites us on a visual journey from the icy peaks of the Gangotri Glacier to the vast delta in the Bay of Bengal.

Each stroke of the brush paints a vivid picture of the Ganga River‘s ecosystem. We encounter majestic creatures like the snow leopard and the royal Bengal tiger, and marvel at the playful antics of the Gangetic dolphin. The vibrant hues of the Indian bullfrog and the sarus crane remind us of the delicate balance of life that sustains this vital waterway.

This poster is not just a celebration of the Ganga River‘s natural beauty; it’s a clarion call for its protection. Maity’s work reminds us that the river is not just a source of water, but a lifeline for countless species, including our own. It urges us to acknowledge the interconnectedness of all living beings and take responsibility for preserving this precious ecosystem for generations to come.

We at Curious Times applaud Ahamteertwaa’s artistic talent and commitment to environmental conservation. May this poster inspire all young readers to cherish the Ganga River and become champions of its preservation. Remember, every drop counts, and every action, no matter how small, can make a difference.

Let’s join hands to safeguard the Ganga River and ensure that its vibrant tapestry of life continues to flourish for years to come.

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4, Techno India Group Public School Garia, KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL

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