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Adorable letters from kids boost shelter home adoptions!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey, our ever-curious companion! Let us tell you a super cool story about how some amazing kids and a teacher helped a bunch of adorable dogs and a cute cat find new homes!

Once upon a time, there was a special place called the Richmond Animal Care and Control. It’s like a big home for animals that don’t have a family to take care of them. But you know what? The shelter was getting crowded, and there were no more rooms for new doggies and kitties to stay!

But guess what happened next? An 8-year-old kid named Cody had a brilliant idea! With colorful crayons in hand, Cody wrote heartwarming words on pieces of paper. They wanted to make people want to adopt the dogs at the shelter. How sweet is that?

Kindred Spirits

  • The kids at school joined in, too! They all wrote special notes in colorful crayons for the dogs and the cat at the shelter. Each note was like a letter from the animals themselves, telling people how awesome it would be to have a family and a big fenced-in yard!
  • And you know what? Because of those handwritten notes, even the dogs that were least likely to be adopted got a chance to find a loving home! Can you believe it? People couldn’t resist those cute, heartfelt notes!
  • Now, let us tell you about Kensey Jones, the school teacher who had this fantastic idea. She loves animals and wanted to help the dogs find new families. So, she came up with the idea of giving the dogs their own voices. It was like the dogs were talking to people and asking them to become their owners.
  • When Kensey told the shelter manager about her idea, everyone thought it was amazing! And you know what happened next? In just three weeks, lots of dogs found new homes! That’s super fast, right? Before, some animals with medical problems had a hard time finding a family, but now, they got a chance too, thanks to the special campaign.
  • The kids at school were overjoyed when they heard they would be helping 23 dogs and one cat find new families. They were like little heroes!
  • One student wrote, “I’d love to be adopted. I want a family that is kind and has a big fenced-in yard.” Isn’t that adorable? Another note said, “All pets deserve a loving home.” So true!
  • The best part was that the shelter put the colorful drawings and letters on the crates of the animals. It was like they had their own special signs! And you know what? It worked like magic! Twenty-one out of twenty-four animals that were hard to adopt found new homes quickly. Hooray!
  • This story teaches us that even little things like handwritten notes and drawings can make a big difference. It shows how much love and care can change lives, not just for the animals but for the people who adopted them too.
  • So, my friend, if you ever see a pet that needs a home, remember Cody and those kind kids at the Richmond Animal Care and Control. Spread love and kindness, and you’ll make the world a better place for everyone, furry friends included!

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Dive into this pawsome video from Richmond Animal Care & Control on YouTube!

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