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Pizza shop in New York helps dogs find a new home


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Welcome, my eager seeker! Today, we have an awesome story to share with you! It’s all about how dogs, just like you, show their love for humans, and this time, humans are returning the love in a big way!

Pizza, Pups & Love!

  • Once upon a time, in New York, United States, there was a special pizza shop called Just Pizza & Wing Co. They didn’t just make delicious pizzas, but they also had big hearts for furry friends like dogs. They came up with the cutest idea to help dogs find families who will love them forever!
  • You know how you get your toys and books delivered to your house? Well, Just Pizza & Wing Co. started delivering their yummy pizzas in special boxes. Guess what they did? They put pictures of cute dogs who needed loving homes right on the front of those boxes! Can you imagine that? So, when families ordered their pizzas, they got a surprise with adorable photos of dogs looking for families to love them.
  • But wait, there’s more! Just Pizza & Wing Co. wanted to make it even more special for people who decided to adopt a dog. So, they gave a fantastic gift! Anyone who adopted a dog from the animal shelter got a free gift certificate worth US$50! That’s a lot of money to spend on more pizzas or things for the new furry family member.
  • And guess what? People were over the moon about this amazing idea! They loved receiving their pizza orders with pictures of those sweet dogs. It made them feel happy, and they knew they were part of something really special.
  • You won’t believe how quickly this lovely project worked! In just one day, a little puppy named Larry found his forever home! Isn’t that incredible? Because of this fantastic idea from Just Pizza & Wing Co., Larry got a loving family to take care of him.
  • This pizza shop is now working super hard to help all the dogs in the animal shelter find their forever homes. They want every pup to have a family who will love and care for them. Isn’t that such a heartwarming thing to do?
  • So, my dear friend, the story is all about dogs showing their love for humans, and now humans are showing their love for dogs too! It’s like a big circle of love going on. Just Pizza & Wing Co. is making a big difference in the lives of these adorable pups, and they are making lots of people smile too.
  • Remember, it’s essential to be kind to animals, just like you would be kind to your friends and family. Loving and caring for animals is a wonderful thing to do, and it brings joy to everyone’s hearts.
  • Now, we hope this story made you smile, and maybe it even touched your heart a little. Always remember, you can make a difference too, no matter how little you are. Just like the pizza shop, you can show love and kindness to animals and people around you. That’s what makes the world a better place!

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