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Super talented little boy helps needy animal shelters using art


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hi there, my perpetually-curious partner! So, we just read this super cool story about a pizza shop helping dogs find new homes. But now, get ready for another amazing tale about a 9-year-old superhero named Pavel Abramov!

Artful Animal Hero

  • Who is Pavel Abramov, you ask? Well, he’s a really talented boy who loved drawing ever since he was little. Last year, he and his mom started something awesome called ‘Kind Paintbrush.’ It’s like magic! He paints beautiful pictures of people’s pets, like their dogs and cats.
  • But here’s the super cool part – instead of getting money for his paintings, Pavel asks his customers to give pet food and stuff to animal shelters. Isn’t that just amazing? His customers are usually pet owners, and they pay for his art by helping the animal shelters. It’s like they’re all superheroes too!
  • Oh, and get this: Pavel is a genius! He knows the names of all the pets he paints, and he even hangs out with them and their families. How awesome is that? He really loves animals and wants to help them so much.
  • You know what inspired him to start this amazing project? He used to have a dog he loved so much, but sadly the dog passed away a long time ago. It made him really sad, but instead of just feeling sad, he decided to do something wonderful. He thought, “Hey, I can help other animals who need love and care!” So, he started painting pet portraits to support animal shelters.
  • And guess what? He’s painted hundreds of pet portraits already! Can you believe it? He’s like a pet-loving art wizard! And he’s not stopping there; he wants to find even more ways to help animals in shelters. What a big heart he has!
  • Isn’t Pavel just amazing? He’s a real-life hero for animals in Arzamas, Russia, and he’s making the world a better place, one beautiful painting at a time. We can learn so much from him – how kindness and creativity can go a long way in helping those in need.
  • So, let’s cheer for Pavel Abramov, the young artist with a kind paintbrush and a big heart! Hip-hip-hooray!

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Comments: 1
  1. Kristine says:

    Wow,he paints so well!It looks like it is printed! Anyone would would want to buy his artwork!

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