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Dinesh: Hero for Lonely Animals!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hi there, keen observer! Let us tell you an awesome story about a wonderful person named Dinesh Baba who loves animals so much!

Dinesh Baba takes care of abandoned animals at a special place called the ROA Shelter in a peaceful area called Koovathur. Every animal at the shelter has a unique story, and Dinesh makes sure they feel loved, cared for, and safe.

Animal Superhero

  • A long time ago, Dinesh Baba decided to open this shelter because he saw some older animals being left all alone by their owners. He wanted to create a happy place where these animals could be looked after, helped to get better if they were sick or hurt, and even find new families to live with if they wanted.
  • You know, Dinesh Baba has always been a kind and caring person when it comes to animals. He remembers one of his first rescues back in 2011 when he helped some cattle that were stuck. From then on, he became a hero for animals in the city. He even saved animals that fell into wells by using a cool rappelling technique!
  • Now, at the ROA Shelter, there are over 50 dogs, some of them are getting older, and some are differently-abled. There are also cats and two funny pigs! One of the pigs, named Babe, was saved during a big cyclone called Vardah. Babe is so friendly and gentle that he even goes with Dinesh when he talks to college students about taking care of animals.
  • You know, people can be a part of the shelter too! They can adopt animals from the shelter even if they can’t visit in person. And they can also help by sponsoring the animals, which means they give money to help take care of them.
  • When Dinesh walks around the shelter, he shows how each dog has its own little space, like a cozy home, with enough room to move around. He keeps them separate because every dog has its own personality and food habits, just like us!
  • Dinesh is not stopping here. He dreams of making an ABC facility for animals in rural areas. ABC stands for “Animal Birth Control,” where they help animals have fewer babies, so there are not too many animals without a home.
  • You see, Dinesh Baba is like a superhero for animals. He loves them so much and wants them to be happy and healthy. We can learn from him how important it is to be kind and caring, not just to people but also to animals who need our love and help.
  • So, the next time you see an animal in need, remember Dinesh Baba’s story and be kind like him. Who knows, you might become an animal rescuer too someday! Keep your heart full of love, and remember that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference. The world needs more animal lovers like Dinesh Baba!

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Don’t miss out! Hop on over to the LoonyTails Animal Shelter in Gurgaon! Get ready for a whirlwind of wags, a symphony of purrs, and an ocean of love waiting just for you!

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