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Blind man from China climbs world’s tallest mountain


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey there! Gather ’round, because today we’re going to hear an amazing story about a brave man named Zhang Hong from China. Zhang is 46 years old now, but when he was just 21, he faced a big challenge—he lost his sight and became blind.

But guess what? That didn’t stop him from achieving something incredible!

Blind Summit Conqueror

  • Let’s dive into the story and learn more about Zhang’s awesome adventure. Imagine, the tallest mountain in the whole wide world is called Mount Everest, and it’s really, really high! It’s so tall that it’s like touching the sky! Now, Zhang wanted to climb this giant mountain even though he couldn’t see. Wow!
  • You know what’s super special about Zhang? He became the first blind man from all of Asia to reach the top of Mount Everest! Can you believe it? That’s like being a superhero! But wait, there’s more. He’s also the third blind person in the whole world to achieve this amazing feat. That’s like being part of an exclusive club!
  • Mount Everest sits on the border between two countries, Nepal and China. Zhang started his climb from the Nepal side with three guides. Guides are like super helpful friends who know the way and keep you safe during the journey. On 24th May, they began their thrilling adventure upwards.
  • And guess what happened? Zhang reached the very top of Mount Everest! Wow, just imagine being at the top of the world! It must have been super exciting and scary all at once. But Zhang is a true champion, and he did it! Hooray!
  • But the story doesn’t end there. After reaching the top, Zhang safely returned to the base camp on 27th May. He must have been so proud of himself, and his guides must have been proud of him too!
  • You know, Zhang is such a cool person because he didn’t let his disability hold him back. He was inspired by another brave man named Erik Weihenmayer, who became the first blind person to climb Mount Everest in 2001. Erik showed Zhang and the whole world that you can do amazing things, no matter what others might say.
  • Zhang’s adventure teaches us a super important lesson. It shows us that if you have a strong and determined mind, you can achieve anything! Even if you face challenges or are differently-abled, you can reach for the stars and make your dreams come true.
  • So, remember, my friends, the next time you feel like something is too hard or impossible, think of Zhang Hong and his incredible journey. Just like him, you can conquer mountains, reach for the stars, and make the world a brighter place. Let’s all cheer for Zhang Hong, the superhero who climbed the highest peak and inspired us all! Yay!

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Blind Chinese Climber Conquers Everest: See the Video!

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