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Brave Stories of Survival Amidst Sudan’s Struggles!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

In the midst of the devastating conflict in Sudan, a special radio program called “Li Sudan Salam” has emerged. The word means both “greetings to Sudan” and “peace to Sudan.” This program aims to shed light on the stories of survival from Bahri and Khartoum, two cities deeply affected by the ongoing violence.

The conflict between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has witnessed hundreds of lives lost. Further, over a million people forced to flee their homes. Amidst the insecurity, heart-wrenching reports of women and girls being subjected to torture have surfaced.

Although the exact number of victims remains difficult to determine. Doctors fear that many cases go unreported.

Sudan Struggles: Stories of Survival

  • Medical professionals in Bahri, one of the few operational hospitals in Greater Khartoum, have been working tirelessly to provide treatment and support to survivors. However, the lack of resources and medicine poses significant challenges.

  • Salima Is’haq, the director of a government unit combating violence against women, sadly notes that the reported cases only represent a fraction of the actual number of incidents. Girls as young as 12 years old have been seeking help, further highlighting the urgent need for action.

  • With the collapse of much of the government, Ms Is’haq coordinates efforts to supply health and psychological support to survivors through charitable organizations and volunteers. However, some survivors prefer not to come forward due to the chaotic conditions in Khartoum. The ongoing conflict has also led to frequent internet outages and power cuts, exacerbating the already dire situation.

  • The scarcity of medication is another grave concern. Patients suffering from kidney disease, reliant on regular dialysis, are unable to access vital treatment. Families like Najlaa’s struggle to find life-saving medication, resorting to desperate measures to secure even a small supply. Daily laborers face similar hardships, as job opportunities have vanished, leaving them and their families in desperate need.

  • Amidst the tragedy, a sense of unity and solidarity has emerged among the Sudanese people. Despite their immense suffering, they continue to share their stories with the team behind the “Li Sudan Salam” radio program, trusting that their experiences will be heard and their stories shared honestly.

  • As Sudan navigates through these challenging times, the radio program aims to bring attention to the plight of its people, highlighting the urgent need for aid, accountability, and justice. It is a platform where the voices of the survivors are heard, giving them hope that their stories will reach the world and bring about positive change.

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