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Classic Gmail becomes colourful after 7 years


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After seven years, Google has changed the classic Gmail logo. The last time Google changed its logo was in 2013.

Classic Gmail logo was an “envelop” of white colour and with a red “M” is no longer there. The “M” is now made out of Google’s core blue, red, yellow, and green brand colours.

Now, Gmail’s logo more closely matches similar logos for Google itself. It also matches other Google products such as Google Maps, Google Photos, Chrome, and more.

However, users are not liking the change. Many users have complained about it on social media about the change, saying there was no need for it. They say that it is now difficult to differentiate the different Google apps.

Google said that the new logo is designed to reflect “a more connected, helpful, and flexible experience“. Through this, it aims to show the connection between all its apps that are now part of Google’s Workspace. It also updated its Calendar, Docs, Meet, and Sheets logos to match the new Gmail design.

Do you have a Gmail account? Why don’t you check out its new features and let us know if classic Gmail was better?

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