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Image depicting Finland is the Happiest Country in the World, Why!

Finland is the Happiest Country in the World, Why!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Do you know what happiness is? It’s a feeling of joy and contentment that we all want to experience. Every year, a group of people called the Sustainable Development Solutions Network makes a list of the happiest countries in the world.

It’s called the World Happiness Report. It helps us learn about what makes people happy. The report looks at things like how much money people have, if they have friends, and how long they live.

Further, it can help world leaders learn what makes people happy and how they can make things better for everyone. The report is based on a survey called the Gallup World Poll.

Key Facts

  • Finland is the happiest country in the world according to the 2023 report.
    • In addition, Finland is named the happiest country in the world for the sixth year in a row.
  • The report is based on how happy people feel in more than 150 countries.
  • India’s ranking is 139th out of 149 countries.
  • It’s important to remember that happiness means different things to different people.
  • The World Happiness Report helps us understand what makes people happy around the world.
  • Maybe we can learn from the happiest countries and try to bring more joy and contentment into our own lives and communities.

The Youtube channel “HiHo kids” tells us what makes them happy.

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