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Image depicting Google Doodle honours Japanese green tea scientist Michiyo Tsujimura

Amazing Tea Scientist Gets Tribute!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey, intrepid questioner! Today we’re going to learn about an awesome lady named Michiyo Tsujimura. She was a super smart Japanese scientist, and today Google is celebrating her 133rd birthday with a special doodle!

Michiyo Tsujimura was born in Okegawa, Japan, way back on September 17, 1888. That’s a long time ago! She was a really clever lady who became the first woman in Japan to get a fancy degree in agriculture. Wow, she must have been really good at growing plants and stuff!

Guess what? Michiyo had a super cool mentor named Kono Yasui, who was also an amazing female scientist. She was the first Japanese woman to get a doctorate in science. That means Michiyo had some really smart people to learn from.

Green Tea Superhero: Celebrating Michiyo Tsujimura’s Legacy

  • Now, here’s where things get really interesting. Michiyo Tsujimura loved studying green tea. Yep, that’s right, the stuff we drink! She wanted to know why green tea was good for our health. So she put on her lab coat and started working in her laboratory. If you look at the Google Doodle, you’ll see her with a cup of green tea, a beaker, and some tea leaves.
  • Together with her friend Seitaro Miura, Michiyo discovered that green tea has something called vitamin C. That’s the good stuff that keeps us healthy! Because of their discovery, more green tea started being sold from Japan to the US. That’s pretty amazing, right? But the research didn’t stop there. Michiyo also found out about two other things in green tea called catechin and tannin. These things are what make green tea taste a little bitter.
  • Creating history as an educator: Michiyo Tsujimura wasn’t just a scientist, she was also a teacher! She was in charge of teaching students about cooking, sewing, and other cool things related to home stuff.
  • Sadly, Michiyo Tsujimura passed away in 1969 when she was 80 years old. But we still remember her amazing contributions to science and education.
  • In her hometown of Okegawa City, there’s even a special stone memorial dedicated to her. So, the next time you drink green tea, remember the awesome lady who helped us understand why it’s good for us. Cheers to Michiyo Tsujimura, the green tea superhero!

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