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Image depicting Google pays tribute to mathematician Omar Khayyam with a 'Doodle'

Google pays tribute to mathematician Omar Khayyam with a ‘Doodle’


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hiya, budding scholar! Let me tell you an interesting story about Google and a famous mathematician named Omar Khayyam. Google is a super popular search engine that helps us find cool stuff on the internet.

Now, one day, Google decided to create a special drawing called a doodle to honor Omar Khayyam. It was a big celebration because it was his 971st birthday on May 18th, 2019. Can you believe that?

Google’s Doodle: Celebrating Omar Khayyam’s Genius!

  • Omar Khayyam was a really smart guy who did amazing things with numbers and shapes. He was a mathematician, which means he loved solving tricky math problems. But that’s not all! He was also an astronomer, which means he studied the stars and planets in the sky. Isn’t that cool?
  • Omar Khayyam must have been a super-duper brainiac to be so good at math and astronomy. I bet he could count all the stars in the sky without even breaking a sweat! He probably wore glasses that made him look extra smart, just like a mad scientist.
  • Omar Khayyam was a true genius. Not only did he come up with new ways to solve really hard math problems, but he also wrote beautiful poems. One of his famous collections of poems is called “Rubaiyat.” It’s like a treasure trove of words that people in Persia, which is now Iran, love to read.
  • But you know what’s even more exciting? Google made sure that people all over the world could see their special doodle for Omar Khayyam. It wasn’t just in India where lots of people use Google. It appeared in countries like Russia, the Middle East, North African nations, the US, and even Chile! It’s like the whole world came together to say, “Happy birthday, Omar Khayyam!”
  • Oh, and here’s an interesting fact: Google made a doodle for Omar Khayyam back in 2012 too. That was when he turned 964 years old. But guess what? This time, more people got to see the doodle compared to before. That means more people now know about this amazing mathematician and poet. Way to go, Google!
  • So, my little friend, always remember that even math and poetry can be super exciting. And thanks to Google, we can celebrate amazing people like Omar Khayyam and learn new things every day. Keep exploring and who knows, maybe one day there will be a doodle made just for you!

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