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Google says: Hooray, Eunice!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Howdy, inquisitive soul! Today, we’re going to talk about a super cool scientist named Eunice Newton Foote. She did some amazing things and even fought for women’s rights.

And guess what? Google is celebrating her with a special Google Doodle!

Curious Scientist, Women’s Champion: Eunice Newton Foote

  • Eunice Newton Foote was born in Connecticut way back in 1819. That’s a long time ago! She went to a school called Troy Female Seminary where they encouraged girls to learn science. She loved it and science became her passion.
  • It seems like Eunice Newton Foote was a curious and clever girl who loved science. She must have been really smart to do all the things she did! In 1856, Eunice did a super cool experiment. She put different gases in cylinders and let them sit in the sunlight. What do you think happened?
  • Well, she noticed that carbon dioxide got hotter than the other gases. That’s when she realized carbon dioxide could change the Earth’s temperature all by itself. She discovered something called the greenhouse effect!
  • Eunice didn’t stop there. She wrote about her experiments in a science journal called Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Can you believe it? She became the first woman scientist in the United States to have not just one, but two physics studies published!
  • One day, another scientist presented Eunice’s work at a big meeting. They did an experiment that helped people understand the greenhouse effect better. So, thanks to Eunice’s discoveries, we now know more about how certain gases can make the Earth warmer.
  • But wait, there’s more! Eunice Newton Foote also fought for women’s rights. In 1848, she went to the first Woman’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls. She even signed a super important document called the Declaration of Sentiments. It asked for equal rights for women in society and the law.
  • So, my little friend, Eunice Newton Foote was an amazing scientist and a champion for women’s rights. She discovered the greenhouse effect and helped us understand climate change better.
  • Plus, she stood up for what she believed in and fought for equal rights. Isn’t that awesome? We should celebrate her and be inspired by her curiosity and courage. Yay for Eunice Newton Foote!

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