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Image depicting parliament, News update - 5 January 2021

Government plans to redevelop Parliament building by 2022


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, young explorer! Let’s dive into the exciting world of India’s Independence Day and some super cool construction plans. So, get ready for a thrilling adventure!

India, the land of colors and spices, will be celebrating its 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2022. That’s like a giant birthday party for the whole country!

And guess what? The government has a special surprise planned. They want to build a shiny new Parliament building. Cool, right? But here’s the twist: they’re not sure if they should start the Parliament building from scratch and make a totally new building or give the old historic one a makeover. It’s like deciding between a brand new toy or fixing up your old bike.

Important Details

  • To make this happen, they sent out something called a “request for proposal” on September 2. It’s like sending out a message in a bottle to all the best designers and architects around the world, asking them to share their ideas. It’s like a contest to see who can come up with the most mind-blowing designs.
  • But wait, that’s not all! They’re also looking for new designs for something called the Central Vista. It’s a fancy term for a 3-km stretch from Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate, passing through North and South Block. They want to make it even more awesome than it already is.
  • And there’s more! They also want to build a new Central Secretariat, a place where all the important government offices can hang out together. It’s like creating a cool clubhouse for all the big shots.
  • You see, the Parliament House building, which was finished way back in 1927, needs a serious upgrade. There’s not enough office space, and it’s going to be a huge problem if they have more MPs joining the party.
  • So, the government has a plan: first, they’ll jazz up the Central Vista, and then they’ll tackle the Central Secretariat. It’s like painting the walls before buying new furniture.
  • So, our young friend, India is getting ready for its big day and some mind-blowing construction projects. It’s like having a big party and remodeling your entire house at the same time. Let’s see what amazing designs and ideas come out of this adventure. Stay tuned for more updates from the world of Indian architecture!

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