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Image depicting parliament, News update - 5 January 2021

Government selects Gujarat-based firm to redevelop Parliament building


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there, young scholar! Gather around because we have a fascinating story for you. So, a while ago, the big bosses in the central government had this grand plan to upgrade the parliament building and the areas around it.
They wanted to give it a cool makeover, you know, like when you decide to redecorate your room and make it super awesome.
Well, guess what? Yesterday, they finally announced that they found the perfect firm for the job! This firm called HCP Design, Planning, and Management from Ahmedabad got the gig. It’s like when you pick the best superhero to save the day!
The boss who made the big announcement is called Hardeep Singh Puri. He’s like the Minister of State for Urban Affairs, and he’s in charge of making sure everything goes smoothly with this project.

Important Details

  • Now, listen up, here’s the exciting part. This project is not just about giving the parliament building a new look. They’re also going to revamp the Central Vista and even build a brand new secretariat.
  • The Central Vista is this fancy 3-kilometer stretch from Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate, passing through North and South Block. It’s like a makeover extravaganza!
  • But wait, there’s more! They have a timeline for all this awesomeness. The Central Vista redevelopment should be done by November 2021, the parliament by August 2022, and the central secretariat by 2024. They’re like wizards with tight deadlines!
  • Oh, and let’s talk about money. The cost of this whole shebang is a whopping ₹229.75 crore. That’s like a gazillion ice creams!
  • To pick the best firm, they had a special jury, headed by this super smart guy named Dr. P.S.N Rao from the School of Planning and Architecture. They chose HCP Design, Planning, and Management out of six contenders. It’s like a talent show for architects!
  • Now, here’s a fun fact for you. The Parliament House, North and South Blocks, and Rashtrapati Bhavan won’t be torn down. Nope, they’re just going to give them a fancy renovation. It’s like getting a fresh coat of paint and new furniture.
  • And get this, the architect who founded HCP, Hasmukh C. Patel, was also involved in the Sabarmati Riverfront Development Project in Gujarat. It’s a place where PM Modi launched Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary celebrations. Talk about being in the spotlight!
  • So, our little friend, get ready to witness a fantastic transformation. The central government has a grand plan, a talented architect, and a lot of enthusiasm. It’s like turning an old house into a dream castle. Let the magic begin!

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