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Image depicting James Webb Telescope and Time Travel

James Webb Telescope and Time Travel!


Recommended for Middle Grades

The powerful James Webb space telescope will be able to see stars and galaxies that formed 250 million years after the Big Bang. NASA’s new James Webb telescope is the closest anyone has come so far to time travel.

The fundamental question around time travel!

The experts at NASA believe that the James Webb Telescope is one of the most powerful telescopes ever made. The telescope is the biggest and is packed with the latest technology. Thus, the telescope gives researchers a lot of confidence. For example, the telescope enables one to see through thick dust clouds on distant planets.

At the fundamental level, the telescope will enable experts to figure out how long does it take for light to travel through the universe. So, its goal is to look at the faint light from early stars and galaxies, which were made after the Big Bang or 250 million years ago.

What is the Big Bang Theory?

The theory describes how the universe came to be. When the universe was just one point, it expanded and stretched to become as big as it is now. And it’s still expanding, so the universe keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Possibilities and the Future!

After the Big Bang, stars and planets started to form. Scientists believe that it takes a long time for light to travel, so we can look a long way back in time to when they started using the James Webb Telescope. But, there is also a possibility that the light that reaches the James Webb telescope may have come from a cosmic object that is no longer there.

In addition, scientists think that some parts of the universe won’t be able to be seen by us. Why? Because some light sources are moving away from us all the time, it’s thought that the universe is getting bigger. That means their light might not be able to reach the telescope that James Webb is going to use.

Dark Energy!

However, it is hoped that this powerful instrument will help us learn more about how the universe is expanding, which astronomers believe is caused by something called “dark energy.” Hence, the telescope should be able to figure out the dark space between the stars. Thus, these observations could help us determine how quickly the stars are moving apart and how quickly the universe is expanding.

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Watch a video

Check out this informative Youtube clip from  James Webb Space Telescope, explaining the cool components of this telescope.

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