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‘Kid of the Year’ – First-ever TIME names 15-year-old Gitanjali Rao


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A 15-year-old Indian-American girl, Gitanjali Rao, has been named by TIME magazine as the first-ever ‘Kid of the Year‘.

Gitanjali lives in Denver in Colorado, US. She is a scientist and inventor.

She has invented many new technologies across a range of fields. It includes a device that can identify lead in drinking water and an app that uses artificial intelligence to detect cyberbullying.

Gitanjali was chosen from among 5,000 young people. She said she hoped she could inspire others to dream up ideas to “solve the world’s problems”.

TIME magazine honours one person every year as its ‘person of the year’. But this is the first time it has named a ‘kid of the year’.

Last year, climate activist Greta Thunberg became the youngest ever person of the year when she was given the honour at age 16.

TIME teamed up with children’s TV channel Nickelodeon for the new award.

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