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Male service personnel to get Child Care Leave


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Salut, relentless questioner! Guess what? Our awesome Defence Minister, Mr. Rajnath Singh, just made some fantastic changes that are going to help all the moms and dads who work in the defense forces take care of their children even better!

So, here’s the big news: until now, only the superhero moms in the defense forces could take something called “Child Care Leave” or CCL, but now even the superhero dads can take it too! Isn’t that cool? Mr. Rajnath Singh approved this change to make sure all parents can spend more time with their precious little ones.

Caring Superheroes: Defense Minister’s Family Boost!

  • Now, let’s talk about the important details. With the new order in place, all the amazing defense personnel can take CCL for a maximum of 730 days during their entire service. Wow, that’s a lot of days to be with your kids and take care of them, isn’t it?
  • But hey, there’s a small rule so that everyone gets a fair chance. No one can take CCL more than three times in a year. That way, everyone gets their turn to be with their kids and have fun together!
  • Oh, and there’s even more exciting news for the superhero moms and dads who have children with a 40% disability. They can also take CCL now, and there’s no age limit on the child! It means they can be with their special kids whenever they need to, which is so heartwarming!
  • And you know what’s really interesting? The CCL duration for all the amazing moms and dads has been reduced to just five days! So, if they want to take a break and spend time with their little ones, they don’t have to wait too long. Isn’t that great?
  • Now, let’s use our clever minds to make an inference, just like little detectives! With these changes, everyone in the defense forces can be better parents and take good care of their children. They can be there for their kids during those important moments, like birthdays, school events, and maybe even funny little mishaps that happen at home!
  • But wait, there’s more! The fun doesn’t stop here. The kind people at the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) have also decided that even the moms and dads who work as civilian employees can enjoy these CCL benefits too! That means more parents outside the defense forces can take time off to be with their kids too. Isn’t that amazing?
  • So, my dear little friends, in conclusion, this is a fantastic and heartwarming change brought by Mr. Rajnath Singh and the DoPT. It allows all the incredible moms and dads, whether they work in the defense forces or not, to be superheroes at home as well as at work.
  • They can now spend more time with their children, take care of them when they need it the most, and be there for them no matter what. It’s a wonderful step towards making sure that families have more love, joy, and laughter together!
  • Now go on, spread the happy news and give your parents a big hug! They’re real-life superheroes, and this change makes it even more special! Yay!

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