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Image depicting Meet the winners of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize!

Meet the winners of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize!


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The 2022 Nobel Peace Prize is given to Ales Byalyatski, Memorial, and Center for Civil Liberties.

Ales is a human rights activist from Belarus. Memorial is a human rights group from Ukraine. Center for Civil Liberties is a human rights group from Russia.

People in the countries where Nobel Peace Prize winners are born are seen as leaders of civil society. They have been fighting for a long time for people to have the right to criticise those in power. And to protect the fundamental rights of citizens.

They have done an amazing job of keeping track of the war’s atrocities, violations of human rights, and abuses of power.

Key facts!

  • Ales Bialiatski is considered to be one of the pioneers of the movement for democratic reform that began in Belarus in the middle of the 1980s.
  • He has spent his whole life trying to make the country where he was born more democratic and more open to peaceful change.
  • Memorial is a human rights group that was set up to make sure that the victims of the cruelties of the communist regime would never be forgotten.
  • The idea behind Memorial is that wrongdoing in the past needs to be acknowledged in order to stop wrongdoing in the future.
  • The goal of the Centre for Civil Liberties is to promote democracy and human rights across the country.
  • In addition, the centre has taken a position in favour of improving civil society in Ukraine.
  • Moreover, the Center for Civil Liberties is a strong supporter of Ukraine joining the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  • The centre is also leading the way in trying to find ways to hold criminals accountable for their actions.

Watch a video

Here’s the announcement of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize.

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