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Image depicting the Mona Lisa painting

The Mona Lisa became world famous after it was stolen


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. It shows the portrait of a lady with a curious smile. It is also known as La Gioconda.

It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century. This painting was bought by King Francis I of France and thereafter owned by the government of France.

The painting initially hanged in the Chateau Fontainebleau near Paris. But it was later moved around. Finally, it was displayed in the Louvre Museum (Musée du Louvre) in Paris where it is still hanging today. The Louvre says that about 80% of its visitors are people who come to see the Mona Lisa.

When was it stolen?

It is a fact that the painting was stolen on 21 August 1911. This led to a huge search for it. At one point, even Pablo Picasso was suspected and questioned. But they found him innocent.

Then, after two long years, they caught the thief. It was an Italian museum worker named Vincenzo Peruggia. He was caught in Italy trying to get rid of the painting. He was sent to jail and the painting was sent back to France.

The Mona Lisa was well known before this incident. But the theft and news around it skyrocketed its popularity and today, we all know about it.

Watch a video of the painting here:

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