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Image depicting Nutrition and Plants

Nutrition and Plants

Image depicting Nutrition and Plants

I have designed a web page on Adobe Spark to show nutrition in plants. (I have used free images from the internet for students). Check out the link.

Nutrition in Plants

Plants use simple chemical substances like carbon dioxide, water and minerals for making of food. Chlorophyll, water, carbon dioxide and sunlight are the essential requirements for photosynthesis.

Plants are autotrophs, that is, they make their own food. Nutrition in plants is obtained through Sunlight, water and Soil. Sun is the ultimate source of energy for all living beings. Water and soil contains many minerals. Water helps the minerals and nutrients to reach to all parts of plants.

Some plants take nutrition form other plants or animals, insects etc. They are called heterotrophic plants.

Symbiotic Plants are those plants that coexist and are benefitted without any harm done to either of them. Example are Lichens, algae and fungi.

Soil contains nutrients like nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus which are good for plant growth. When fertilizers are added to the soil, they replenish nutrients in soil.

Dont’t forget to check the link of my webpage with beautiful pictures and more information.

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Shaurya Rajput

7, Venkateshwar Global School, Delhi, Delhi

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