Our hard-working mothers!
My this article is dedicated to all the mothers of the nation and the world.
Mothers day is near and the preparation has started by most of the families by now.
Mother day is celebrated worldwide on the second Sunday in the month of May. It is celebrated every year despite any specific caste and religion yet it is not famous among ourselves…. like other religious festivals like Holi, Eid, Diwali, Christmas etc.
We should promote our relatives and communities to celebrate this day and honor our hard-working mothers .
In fact, we should celebrate this prestigious event every day.
Due to COVID-19, we are not celebrating this event in our school, not purchasing gifts from the markets of our mothers but we can celebrate this event staying home and helping our mothers in domestic works , hand made cards etc.
Every mother wants her child to achieve success in her or his life. So we may also make our mothers happy by concentrating more on our online studying. We should respect and help our mothers.
So at the last, happy mothers days and celebrate and promote this festival / event with joy and happiness to celebrate our WoW MoMs.
Happy Mother’s Day !
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