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Image depicting Rich man and poor man

Rich man and poor man

Image depicting Rich man and poor man

Once upon a time in a village there lived two neighbours, one was a rich man and the other was poor. The poor man had a hole in his pocket and he complained to God that he made him poor. Then God turned the rich man poor and gave fishing rods to both of them. They caught 10 fishes each.

The poor man sold all and had a gala party whereas the rich man ate one for dinner and sold the rest. He started saving the money and with that money he bought another fishing rod which became his asset. Soon, he bought fishing shop but the poor man was sad and he borrowed some money for his living which became his liability.

The rich man was wiser and intelligent, so he bought fishing rod first and caught varieties of fishes. People from distant places used to come to buy fishes from him. Soon his business started flourishing and he was having enough money and he bought a fishing shop then he bought a penthouse, land. He was very happy with his life and started helping poor people and made an old age home also.

God rewarded that rich man with name and fame.

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Samaira Akhtar


Comments: 3
  1. CoolViru_2010 says:

    Nice….try to make a bit larger story next time

  2. Create20 says:

    Lovely story. ❤️ ❤️ Keep up the good work. 👍🏼 👍🏼

  3. Samaira says:

    Thank you!

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