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image depicting Lonely penguins hugging each other wins at photography awards

The Flying Penguins

Once there were two best friends who were Penguins. Their names were Bliss and Melody. They did everything together. One morning Bliss hurt her foot, she could not run but she could walk. Melody helped her in running away from poachers. One bright morning when all the animals were together everything became dark. All animals wondered what had happened and some were scared as well. The two friends tried to walk away because they were scared. Melody could walk but Bliss could not get up. Melody with all her strength tried to pull her friend up but she could not.

The next moment a witch appeared. All the animals including Melody fled but since Bliss could not get up so she couldn’t flee. Melody tried to find her best friend but due to the darkness she didn’t know where she was otherwise she knew her home well. She started to cry because she thought that she was about to lose her best friend but little did all the animals know that the witch was a good witch but heartbroken.

When Bliss got the confidence to ask who the witch was the witch said, “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” Bliss asked, “But why not?” “I am sad, I come from an army of witches of evil. But I never had evil in my heart. So I had to run away before they could do anything to me.” “I’m so sorry” Bliss exclaimed. The witch said, “Don’t worry it’s not your fault. I just needed someone to talk to, so thank you.” “No problem,” Bliss said happily. “I’m happy that someone can listen to me without hurting me so that’s why I will be giving you a power which no other penguin has. “The power of flying”, said the witch. When Bliss got her power she screamed out of so much excitement that all the animals used the sound of the scream to reach her.

All the animals were surprised to see her flying but Melody wasn’t because she didn’t even care about the power her friend had. The instant Bliss landed Melody hugged her, almost even squishing her. The witch was so happy by their friendship that she even gave Melody the power of flying.

Moral- if you are a patient listener and a good friend good things will always come your way.

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