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The Sirens- A Myth

(Note from the author: All these events, characters, and places are fictional)

Sirens— dangerous creatures who lured the nearby and poor sailors by using their captivating voices. Legend says that they’d eat the hearts of the sailors to enhance their beauty. But then again, we may never know. Some said they were purely evil right from the start, while others believed that they were cursed by Demeter and Muses and exiled to a small island, where they were forced to live alone. There’s a huge difference between a siren and a mermaid— one takes lives and the other doesn’t. A siren kills; kills out of its selfishness for beauty and enjoyment. A mermaid enchants: enchants people with its voice to make them fall in love with itself. A siren was against the people and the people were against it. A mermaid was plainly praised by the people for nothing. People knew, both weren’t good for anything but at least, they thought, they’ll get someone to worship. One can never be able to survive through a siren’s song. And this is not just a silly old legend like the rest. After all, there’s a sign in Sireville made by the elders that says, ‘BEWARE OF THE CURSED, FOR MEN’S HEARTS THEY HAVE A THIRST. CREATURES CALLED SIRENS, THEIR VOICE A TYRANT.’

The sirens were selfish and ruthless. But then again, humans were too. They took away the land of the sirens for themselves. They made Achelous and the Muses believe the sirens were the ones causing trouble. The creatures were then abandoned to a small island, where they still roam; and whenever a ship might pass, the man’s heart shall be all theirs— not to love and care for, but to simply devour.

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8, Shalom Hills International School

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