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Truth Triumphs: A Lesson Learned

The parent – teacher meeting was scheduled for tomorrow and Rohit was scared out of his wits. Everything looked black to him.

Just a day before yesterday, he had bunked the school and went for a big bash party with his friends. But, unfortunately, his friends had betrayed him and spilled the beans to his class teacher.

Surely, if his parent went to school today then he would be beaten black and blue. He had to think of some plan as quick as possible.

Suddenly, his mother came and asked,” Rohit, why have you not got ready yet ?

He decided to cook a story and answered,” Oh! Mom, I forgot to tell you that yesterday I had sprained my ankle and it is hurting a lot. ”

“Your class teacher called yesterday and told me about everything. If you had told me about everything your self, it won’t have hurt me too much “, mumbled his mom looking hurt,” Now,get ready, we are going to the school.”

With that his mother left, leaving him in guilt. He felt mortified and surreal. He had got a lesson and decided to never lie as truth always wins. Had he told his mother! Alas!! Rohit understood that –


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Garima Mahajan

9, DLDAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, Delhi

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