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I can and I will. Watch me!

This is the theme of Summer Pebbles, which I operate!

Since this pandemic, I have played the Teaching Admin role for my school and helped in the leap of our teachers with respect to teaching online. We started using all the things like WhatsApp, YouTube, to find what suits us the most. But we settled on Microsoft Team for teaching-learning as it provided end to end solution for teachers and students.

Teachers were very very supportive and were willing to take up the challenge of testing and learning whatever comes their way. They made a disproportionate effort to learn technology and create resources for their students.

The students are very adaptive and quickly picked up. The learning outcomes have been the same. Online teaching is not a replacement of in-class teaching. It can support but cannot replace. The schools going forward will go for synchronous and asynchronous learning. There will integration of art to computer science and sports. We will no longer learn in isolated manner, we will blend subjects and do experiential learning.

In the whole process, I believe the social well-being of the child should be taken into account the most.

I love Curious Times. It’s a platform, where you have very carefully curated content for all stakeholders – students, teachers and parents. You do not just bring current affairs, you bring issues and topics and ask children to reflect on them. It such a safe and encouraging platform for students and teachers to showcase their talent. I have never come across any such platform. People should join this platform and make full use of the great work your team is doing.

Shibi Anand in conversation with Curious Times on Teachers Day 2020

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Shibi Anand

Ms Shibi Anand is a Master's degree holder in Information Technology from BITS, Mesra. She is an Educator by vocation & a change enabler by calling, whose passion lies in guiding individuals unleash their inherent potential and live a life of empowered happiness.

Ms. Shibi is currently working as a Programme Co-ordinator and IT ADMIN at Excelsior English School, Kottayam. She is also the Founder of Summer Pebbles, a Learning & Development platform, which aims at bringing a paradigm shift in the field of education.
She is an active member of Toastmasters, Kottayam and currently the Chairperson of All Ladies League, Kottayam. She also has a podcast ( inspire everyone to live life fully.

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