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Young Poet Invites Bapu’s Wisdom

Laiba Parveen, a student from Rani Chennamma Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya in New Delhi, invites readers to explore ‘Invitation to Bapu’ on Curious Times, a platform for young talents.

Oh, teacher of truth and non – violence
You loved peace and patience

Taught unity, honesty and equality,
Loved cleanliness and simplicity.

Oh, bapu, look at our nation
Unfortunately they forget your lesson

People like corruption and dishonesty
and forgot non – violence and equality

Oh bapu come again to our country
Remind us of our values and history

Help us recognise the current enemies of the nation
terrorism , corruption and inflation

Oh pyare bapu, accept our invitation,
come again, once again, to fight for our nation.

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Laiba Parveen

9, Rani Chennamma Rajkiya Sarvodya Kanya Vidalaya, D block, Jahangirpuri, New Delhi, Delhi

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