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Kind Gesture: Reflective Moments

One day when I was playing with my friends when , I fell and got hurt on my forehead. It was bleeding badly. One of my friends, Rishi, immediately put a white cloth on my injury.

He called my parents and soon we went to the hospital. They took me to emergency ward. The doctor arrived in some time. He looked at my wound and told it would take him two days to heal. My parents thanked Rishi for informing them.

When I was in hospital Rishi came visiting me. He taught me the things learnt in school and helped me to do my homework. We also played a few board games to pass time. I had a lot of fun with him even though I was in hospital. He told me that he really missed playing sports with me and was eagerly waiting for me to be back.

He also made me a ‘get well soon’ card, which was so kind of him.

I was very grateful to him. This event is very special for me as I like Rishi’s kind gesture a lot.

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4, Chirec International School (kondapur), Hyderabad, Telengana

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