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Image depicting Ma Journée – Les Dialogues en France

Ma Journée – Les Dialogues en France

Bonjour, Curious Community! Ever wanted to peek into the life of a French student? Scottish High International, Gurgaon, Haryana student Sanaa Celly is ready to share her world – in French! This week, it’s all about ‘Ma Journée’ (My Daily Routine).

Follow Sanaa from morning to night, learn some essential French phrases, and discover how his days differ from yours. Psst… there’s an English version at the end for extra support! Enjoy, and send your feedback!

Le Matin – Ma Journée – Les Dialogues en France

Sanaa: (Yawns) Bonjour, Papa! (Good morning, Dad!)

Papa: Bonjour, Sanaa! Comment vas-tu ? (Good morning, Sanaa! How are you?)

Sanaa: Je vais bien, merci! (I’m good, thank you!) À quelle heure est-il ? (What time is it?)

Papa: Il est sept heures du matin. (It’s seven o’clock in the morning.) L’heure de se lever ! (Time to get up!)

Sanaa: D’accord, Papa. (Okay, Dad.) (Sanaa stretches and gets out of bed)

Sanaa: Je vais me laver et m’habiller. (I’m going to wash and get dressed.)

Amma: (Enters the room) Bonjour, Sanaa! Tu es prête pour le petit-déjeuner ? (Good morning, Sanaa! Are you ready for breakfast?)

Sanaa: Oui, Amma! (Yes, Mom!) (Sanaa washes her face and brushes her teeth) (Sanaa gets dressed)

Amma: Voici tes céréales préférées, Sanaa. (Here are your favorite cereals, Sanaa.)

Sanaa: Merci, Amma! (Thank you, Mom!) (Sanaa sits down to eat breakfast)

Papa: J’ai préparé ton cartable pour l’école, Sanaa. (I prepared your school bag for school, Sanaa.)

Sanaa: Merci, Papa! (Thank you, Dad!) (Sanaa finishes her breakfast)

Sanaa: Je suis prête à partir pour l’école ! (I’m ready to leave for school!)

Papa: Bonne journée à l’école, Sanaa ! (Have a good day at school, Sanaa!)

Sanaa: Merci, Papa! Au revoir ! (Thank you, Dad! Goodbye!)

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Watch a video

Les Dialogues en France: C’est l’heure de parler français! Suis la routine et apprends avec nous. (It’s time to speak French! Follow the routine and learn with us.)

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Sanaa Celly

Scottish High International, Gurgaon, Haryana

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