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Modi Honored: Emotional Tilak Tribute!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Welcome, curious mind! Imagine a day filled with laughter, awards, and even a little bit of friendly teasing. Well, let me tell you about an exciting event that happened recently.

So, there’s this super smart and important person named Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He’s like the head of our country, India. Now, he went to a place called Pune where something really cool happened.

Prime Minister’s Pune Adventure: Awards & Unity

  • Picture this: Prime Minister Modi was in Pune, and guess what? He got an award! It’s called the Lokmanya Tilak National Award. This award is super special because it’s given to people who do really, really good things for our country. The award is named after a super amazing person named Lokmanya Tilak. He was like a superhero of his time because he helped make India a better place, just like our Prime Minister wants to do.
  • Now, at this event, there were many important people, like Mr. Sharad Pawar. He’s like a leader too, but from a different group. Imagine them all sitting together on a big stage. It’s like when superheroes team up – pretty exciting, right?
  • But here’s the interesting part: before the award ceremony, when Prime Minister Modi was going to a famous temple, some people outside were holding up black flags and signs. They wanted him to talk about something important. It’s a bit like when you remind your friend to return your toy they borrowed. These people just wanted him to talk about something they cared about.
  • Now, Prime Minister Modi didn’t let those flags and signs bring him down. Nope! He went on stage and said some really inspiring things. He talked about how Lokmanya Tilak was super, duper important for India.
  • It’s like talking about your grandparent who did amazing things when they were young. Lokmanya Tilak said, “Swarajya is my birthright,” and that’s like saying, “I can do anything to make my country awesome!”
  • Prime Minister Modi also said something really cool. He talked about how Lokmanya Tilak was like a master builder. Not like someone who builds with bricks and cement, but someone who built the path for India to become great.
  • And guess what? He even talked about how Lokmanya Tilak was into newspapers and writing. It’s like how you love reading books, but Lokmanya Tilak loved making newspapers that everyone in Maharashtra still reads today. That’s like a super magical time-traveling library!
  • So, readers, what’s the big lesson here? Even though there were some funny flag-waving moments and people wanting to remind the Prime Minister about important stuff, it all turned out really great. The Prime Minister got an award, and he didn’t just keep it for himself. Nope, he dedicated it to all of us – yes, you and me – all 140 crore citizens of India! He promised to help us make our dreams come true.
  • And you know what’s super cool? Even though the Prime Minister and Mr. Pawar had some friendly teasing before, they shared the stage like two superheroes joining forces. It’s like when your friends play different games but still have fun together.
  • Remember, just like Lokmanya Tilak made a big difference, even when things seem a bit funny or tricky, there are always people who care and want to help. So, keep smiling, keep dreaming, and remember, you’re part of this big, amazing journey called India!

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