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UAE presents the Order of Zayed to PM Modi


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, curious minds! Today, we’re diving into a fascinating tale about two important people, Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan from Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, and our very own Prime Minister Modi. So, let’s get started with this incredible story!

Okay, so picture this: In a land far, far away, called the United Arab Emirates, there’s a super special guy named Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. He’s like a prince, but not just any prince – he’s the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi!

And guess what? He decided to do something really, really awesome. He wanted to say a big “Thank You” to our Prime Minister Modi for being a fantastic friend.

Friendship Awards: Modi and Zayed

  • Now, listen up! On a sunny day in August, way back in 2019, something amazing happened. Our Crown Prince buddy, Mohammed bin Zayed, gave Prime Minister Modi a super-duper special award called the “Order of Zayed.” It’s like a shiny star you wear on your heart to show how much you like someone.
  • Why did he do that, you ask? Well, because Prime Minister Modi did some really cool things to make the friendship between India and the UAE even stronger. He wanted both countries to be happy friends forever and ever.
  • Prime Minister Modi hopped on a plane and flew to UAE’s capital city, Abu Dhabi. Then, he took another quick trip to Bahrain, like a superhero on a mission to make friends. See, India needs something called “crude oil,” and UAE has a lot of it. It’s like India and UAE help each other out, just like best buddies do.
  • Now, you know what’s cool? When someone gives you a shiny award, it’s not just about the award. It’s like a secret message that says, “Hey, you’re doing an awesome job!” When Mohammed bin Zayed gave that award to Prime Minister Modi, he was telling everyone, “Wow, Prime Minister Modi, you’re making a big difference, and we really appreciate you.”
  • And guess what? This also tells us that no matter how far apart countries are, they can still be friends and help each other. It’s like having a friend who shares their candy with you.
  • So, my friends, what have we learned today? We’ve learned about a cool prince from UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed, who gave Prime Minister Modi a shiny award to say thanks. We found out that they’re like friendship superheroes, making sure their countries are happy and strong pals.
  • Oh, and there’s more! Our Prime Minister Modi wants everyone to be eco-friendly superheroes too. He’s all about saving the Earth. In his radio show called ‘Mann ki Baat,’ he told everyone to say goodbye to single-use plastic. You know those plastic bags and straws we use and throw away? Well, he’s asking us to use them less. He even wants us to clean up our neighborhoods and recycle plastic.
  • Remember, just like Mohammed bin Zayed and Prime Minister Modi are trying to make the world a better place, we can do our part too. So, let’s be Earth’s superheroes, just like them!

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