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PM Narendra Modi is honoured by UAE and Russia


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Guess what? Our super awesome Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, got not one, but two super-duper special awards this month! These awards came all the way from two different countries – the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Russia! Can you believe it?

Let’s dive into the exciting details of these amazing honors!

Double Triumph: PM Modi’s Global Honors!

  • Okay, so you know what UAE is, right? It’s a place with tall buildings and lots of sand! Well, the cool people from UAE decided to give our Prime Minister something really fancy. It’s called the “Zayed medal,” but you can also call it the “Order of Zayed.” This award is like a super shiny badge of honor that only very, very important people like kings, presidents, and super cool leaders get!
  • Now, guess what? Our Prime Minister, Mr. Modi, did something really awesome to get this medal. He made the friendship between UAE and India even stronger! You know how friends share toys and cookies? Well, our PM made sure UAE and India shared good feelings and worked together.
  • Isn’t that amazing? UAE’s President, Mr. Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, gave this special medal to Mr. Modi on April 4th, 2019. And guess what? No Indian Prime Minister had ever received this award before! That makes Mr. Modi super special, doesn’t it? Even Russian President Vladimir Putin got this medal before!
  • Hold your excitement, because there’s more! Russia, which is a really big and cold country, decided to give Mr. Modi a super-duper honor too. They gave him something called “The Order of St. Andrew the Apostle.” Wow, that sounds really important, doesn’t it? This award is like a big thumbs-up from Russia for making friendship between Russians and Indians super strong.
  • Guess who signed and gave this award to Mr. Modi? It was Russia’s President, Mr. Vladimir Putin! He said, “Hey, Mr. Modi, you’re doing a fantastic job making friends!” This special award was given on April 12th, 2019.
  • But here’s the fun part – this award has been around for a super long time, even before our grandparents were born! It stopped for a little while but then started again in 1998. From 1998 till April 2019, this award was given to only 19 people, and you know what? Four of them were important people from other countries!
  • So, what can we learn from this amazing news? Well, it’s like a funny and sweet story. Our Prime Minister, Mr. Modi, is like a superhero of friendship. He’s making friends with countries far away and showing them that India is a super cool place. Just like when you share your toys and make new friends in school, our PM is doing that with countries on a big, big level!
  • So there you have it, the exciting tale of how our incredible Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, got two super special awards from faraway places – UAE and Russia! These awards are like big hugs and high-fives from these countries.
  • Our PM is like a peace and friendship champion, and he’s showing the world that no matter how big or far away a country is, we can still be amazing friends! And that’s a really, really cool thing to do, right? So, remember, just like our Prime Minister, you can also spread smiles and make friends wherever you go. Keep being awesome!

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