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PM Narendra Modi awarded Seoul Peace Prize


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Ahoy, bright-eyed wonderer! Guess what? Our superhero-like Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, is having an amazing adventure right now in a faraway place called South Korea!

He’s not just having fun, though. He did something really, really great! He got a special prize called the Seoul Peace Prize. Wow, right? This prize is like a super shiny medal that people give to those who do awesome things to help the whole world work together nicely and make everything better. It’s like getting a gold star in school, but even more special!

The Seoul Peace Prize was given to him on a special day, February 22, 2019. And guess who gave it to him? The kind people from the Seoul Peace Prize Foundation. They were probably smiling big when they handed him the prize!

Modi’s Marvel: Seoul Peace Triumph!

  • Do you know what Prime Minister Modi did to get this cool prize? He worked really, really hard to help different countries be friends and help each other. He also did things to make money grow around the world, like when you plant seeds and they grow into big, strong trees. So, the prize is like a big hug from the whole world, saying “Thank you for making things better!”
  • Guess what’s the most interesting part? Prime Minister Modi said, “Hey, I love my country, India, so much that I want to share this prize with all of you!” He’s giving away the prize money, which is like a bunch of shiny coins, to help make our beautiful rivers clean and happy. He’s like a superhero who helps the environment!
  • And, you know what else? This year is super-duper special because it’s the 150th birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, who was like a wise wizard for peace. So, getting this prize in this special year makes it even more exciting!
  • Did you know this cool prize, the Seoul Peace Prize, was started a long, long time ago in the year 1990? It’s like as old as your grandma’s grandma! But then it took a little nap and woke up again in 1998, like a sleepy bear in winter. From that time until April 2019, 19 people got this prize, and guess what? Four of them were from other countries!
  • So, remember, kids, our Prime Minister is out there making the world better, just like how you help your friends share toys and snacks. And this shiny prize is like a huge hug from the world, saying, “You’re awesome, and we thank you!” Yay for kindness and helping each other!

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