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Solar energy is used to conserve food


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Using solar energy to conserve food.

We know that intense heat can spoil food. But do you know that the heat can keep the food safe for months?

The farming households in rural India are earning extra money for their food by drying it through solar food dryer or dehydrator. The women are hired to work on the solar food panels.

What is Solar food dryer?

Solar food dryer is a solar powered chamber that can be used to dry and preserve fruits, vegetables and grains.

How to use solar food dehydrator?

The food is prepared and then it is placed on trays or layers of cotton clothes. Then they are placed inside the food dehydrator.

The solar food dehydrator uses free, renewable solar energy from the sun to dry the food. This technique of drying the food is helping the farmers earn more money.

The solar dryers suck all the moisture from the food within just 4 hours.

Benefits of solar food dehydrators

Vegetables like tomatoes, garlic, onions, coconut, chilies and corn are dried and turned into easy-to-use products.

Use of the solar food dehydrators has prevented 40,000 tons of food waste. Moreover, these dryers have prevented 350,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere due to food waste and refrigeration.

This concludes our story on how solar energy is used to conserve food. We hope you liked the story and found the narrative simple, and easy to understand. Write to us in the comments section below!

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