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Solar Panels- recyclable, affordable and environment friendly


Recommended for Energy

Solar Panels- recyclable, affordable and environment friendly

Thank God it’s Monday! Who would have thought the weekend and especially the festivities over the New Year would be over so soon. As you kids settle down in your daily day to day activities here’s an extremely interesting story around something which is not hostile towards our environment, promises clean and green energy and runs as fast as bright as the sun shines.

Innovations in Solar Panel Technology

Our friendly and extremely knowledgeable team of experts at the prestigious Institute of Information Technology (IIT) – Guwahati has figured out something truly remarkable. They have figured out how to make solar panels more efficient, cheaper and reliable. So, is it time for us to get on the rooves’ of our houses and ask daddy dearest to get the latest and greatest solar panels? No, science takes time and it requires a lot of patience and hard work for any innovation to make it to products that are sold in the market.

Instead, you could read along and quench your knowledge thirst and brag about this cool information to your friends! Exactly, at Curious Times, our daily dose of news will empower you to become invincible with knowledge!

A Bright Future for Green Energy

Solar panels aren’t new, they’ve been around for a while but the process around manufacturing and utilisation hasn’t been cool enough, not as yet. The biggest problem is around the stuff that is used to manufacture solar panels, all the circuits, semi-conductors and stuff like that, how do we recycle that? We are working on it, as a matter of fact, our government is trying really hard to make this more accessible to the common man.

In addition, this study outlines ways to make solar cells on a large scale without causing too much of a dent in our friendly environment. Although this new type of method is still a “work in progress”, it does give push us in the right direction.

So,  what do we do till then? Till the Sun shines bright – study, sunbathe or just be grateful for the Sun. Especially if you are in the North and hit hard by the cold season, regardless of whether you have solar panels or not, the rays of the Sun will feel nice and warm.

At Curious Times, we hope this study pushes us forward in the direction where one day, we can all have solar panels and not worry about electricity bills or power backups in the sweltering heat of the summers.

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