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Top Inventions of 2021


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Top 10 inventions of 2021

Human beings are constantly inventing new technology or improving older ones. The year 2021 has been no different, with new ideas being developed frequently.

Well. we wanted to bring just top 10. But we are not able to ignore all of these invetions, which are serving humanity. Let us take a dive into the scientific developments, we read about in 2021.

  1. Driverless train – German rail operator Deutsche Bahn and the Siemens company started the world’s first driverless train. The train is more punctual and energy-efficient than traditional trains.
  2. Sky train– This train is an air-rail train, meaning it is suspended from its track in the air. They have designed it to look like a giant panda. It is covered by glass on three sides. It runs on renewable clean energy.
  3. Autonomous electric container ship – A company Yara Birkeland, developed a zero-emissions ship, completely self-driven. In the near future, Yara hopes to make everything, like unloading and loading of the ship fully automatic.
  4. GO FlyEase Shoe By NikeThis new shoe is fully hands-free. It means we don’t need to use our hands to put it on and off. It has been developed keeping the spread of COVID-19 in mind.
  5. Neeva – It is a search engine created to give us a fully private search experience without ads. Unlike Google and Bing and other search engines, it does not store our data and does not serve us advertisements.
  6. Ameera and the story craft – It is an AI-based app to increase the reading speed among children aged 5 to 10.
  7. Bendable Ice – These ice strands are excellent at transmitting light. So, in the future, they could be used for new technologies.
  8. Habitat Pods – Australian scientists have discovered new habitat pods to protect animals. The habitat pods are designed like safe houses for small animals like rats, beetles, cockroaches and reptiles.
  9. 8th floating continent – 8th floating continent designed to recycle plastic waste. A large and floating research lab has been designed to clean up the oceans. The research lab is called the 8th Continent.
  10. Farm App – The app is currently being used to find out the feelings of domestic animals on the farms.

Here are some other interesting innovations, which impressed us:

  1. Laser Paintbrush – Scientists at a university in Russia created a “laser paintbrush”. This paintbrush can be used to apply colour to metal canvases. Using this new laser paintbrush, they recreated a tiny version of Van Gogh’s The Starry Night.
  2. Colour-changing stitchesDasia Taylor is a 17-year-old teen living in Iowa, US. She has invented sutures that change colour if they get infected.
  3. Virgin’s Hyperloop –  Virgin Hyperloop’s system uses magnetic levitation to help the pods float. This is similar to current advanced high-speed train projects in Japan and Germany.
  4. Xenobots – First living robots that can reproduce. These can be used to develop organisms to cure medical problems.
  5. The Dogphone – The Dogphone allows pooches to “call” their owners
  6. Cadbury’s ad featuring Shahrukh Khan used an AI tool, which local shopkeepers could use to create a free Ad for advertising their shops or products for free!
  7. Artificial Skin – A team of South Korean scientists have created chameleon-like artificial skin which changes its colour. This artificial skin is thinner than human hair.
  8. AM-III glass – This new type of glass can scratch diamonds. Scientists say that we could use AM-III to make solar cells and bulletproof windows.

What are the Top 10 inventions of 2021 as per your list? Do not forget to share it with us on My Expressions.

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