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Typhoon Lekima causes the evacuation of a million people in China


Recommended for Secondary Grades

A strong typhoon (cyclone) named Lekima has hit China, leading to an evacuation of over a million people. The speed of the winds is estimated to be 187km/h.

Typhoon Lekima hit the city of Wenling, in Zhejiang province, early this morning. Wenling lies between Taiwan and Shanghai in China.

  • It is expected to soon hit Shanghai city, which has a population of more than 20 million.
  • Emergency crews are working to rescue people stuck in flooded areas.
  • The typhoon has damaged numerous power lines and trees. 2.7 million homes in the region have lost power.
  • Authorities have cancelled more than 1,000 flights and train services in Shanghai.
  • Shanghai has evacuated around 250,000 residents. Another 800,000 people in the Zhejiang province are also being evacuated from their homes.
  • Sixteen people are unfortunately missing after a landslide was caused by the storm.

Lekima is expected to weaken a bit by the time it reaches Shanghai, but the risk of flooding and landslides remain.

This is believed to be the strongest storm seen in China in years. However, it was expected to be much worse and now is seen to have lessened slightly. It also caused some damage in Taiwan on the way to mainland China.

Another typhoon, Krosa, is spreading heavy rain across the Northern Mariana Islands and Guam. It could reach Japan next week.

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