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Odyssey – An Adventure Fiction

(*Note from the writer – The magic spells have been taken from J.K Rowling’s book series “Harry Potter”. Only the result of the spells has been changed in this story).

It was May 1699, a breezy summer that Captain Antonie Thomas would never forget. His crew had arrived in Cardiff, Wales (near England), where their ship was ready. Antonie and his crew of 30 people were going on a voyage. Antonie had planned this voyage to explore the South Seas. Nevertheless, that the crew had made a few voyages but hadn’t discovered any route. The crew packed their things and were stacking them into the ship. Captain Antonie was on board with great enthusiasm. The tireless Johnathan Witt (called John for short) was helping the crew stack the things. Tom Smith, the helmsman was standing near the helm with a mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness. Antonie, John, and Tom were best friends who grew up together since they were 16 (and of course, with the dream of becoming a sailor in the future).
Soon, the crew was on board and the ship set sail. The crew enjoyed the sunny and bright weather.
It was June 14, Antonie was tired from working continuously so, he asked John to be the first mate and went to take a nap. Suddenly the sky got covered with black clouds. The afternoon bright sky had turned dark and stormy. Soon, it started raining heavily. The crew was running to and fro, not knowing what to do( they had never encountered storms). Antonie had also come out of the cabin. Then a thunderbolt struck, making every startled. Antonie stood there with ambivalence. As a captain, neither he should stand there nor keep quiet so, he gathered courage and started giving to the crew. He tried handling the situation calmly, but the tides were rising higher. Tom could no longer handle the helm so, he let Antonie handle it. The tides were constantly rising and falling, raining heavily, and thundering loud. It was making the crew feel that their end was near.
It rained continuously for 5 days. Many crewmen had died due to bad food. On June 20, the weather was hazy with strong winds. The ship was directly driven upon a rock causing a shipwreck. Antonie, Tom, John, and a crewman named Peter Williams managed to climb onto a rock even after the ship drowned. The rest of the crew had died. The four of them looked down in despair. Soon, they spotted an island in some distance so, they decided to there. Somehow they managed to cross the water and reach the island. After confronting such a dreadful storm for 5 days, they sat down and soon fell asleep.
Peter had woken up due to bright sunlight hitting his eyes. He sat up and saw the storm had gone. He woke the others up and they all started looking for help. They spotted a few men approaching them. They spotted a few men approaching them. The men started asking them questions about who they were and what they were doing here. One man spoke, “We are the people of Madeira.” and continued telling them about the island.
“So, what are you going to do with us?” Tom asked.
“Don’t worry, we don’t harm people.” Assured the other man and continued” But, If you want to stay here then you must meet our king.”
The four of them nodded in agreement. They had to go through a long and thorny way. On the way, John almost tripped on something. He picked it up and saw it was a book with nothing written on top of it. He did not mind showing it to someone so, he quietly kept it in his bag. After they reached the king’s palace, they were astonished to see the lavish decorations. The king was sitting on his elegant throne. He spoke, “Welcome to Madeira, Young men”. They started to introduce themselves to each other. The king started telling them about the rules of their land then asked his men to take them to their huts.
All of them lazily marched behind the men and reached the hut. They slept like logs and woke up the next afternoon.
“Hey guys, I am going to the king to ask for help so, that we can get out of this island,” Antonie said and continued “Is anybody coming?”
Tom and Peter agreed but John stayed back because he had kept in mind that he picked up a book earlier and was curious to read it. So, he kept the secret to himself, and after all of them went, he jumped out of the bed, pulled the book from his bag, and came leaped back on his bed again. He started reading aloud, “ Please note that this book contains magic spells, and to reverse it you must repeat the spell.”
“This book contains weird words and it says that these are magic spells. Let me try some..” John said to himself and tried reading the words, “ Lumos, As… Ascendio, Ferula, Home… Homenum, Obliviate.”

Suddenly, it started raining and John could feel the ground shake. He went out to see what had happened. His jaws dropped by seeing the scene outside. A huge dragon was flying up. A lion was roaring from somewhere. Then he saw a huge beast who had blue-coloured skin, brawny hands and legs, untidy hair. All the creatures were creating havoc in the area. Just then the thought of respelling the words struck his mind. But, when he looked down to read the words again, it was too late – the book had disappeared. He was really scared. “ Ferula .. L- Lumos” he yelled. The tiger and dragon disappeared. “ These are the only words I remember. I must hurry to the king.” John said to himself and ran as fast as his legs could take him. Although the way was thorny and he had to make sure that the giant did not spot him but, still he managed to run as fast as a cheetah. Meanwhile, the king and the three sailors were standing outside the palace with complete shock. The king summoned his soldiers and ordered them to attack the giant. By then John had reached the palace. He approached the king and told him the whole story in one breath. He even apologized for what he had done. The king spoke, “I know you did that out of curiosity. That book belonged to my son. He was well versed in handling spells. Unfortunately, he died in a battle.” The king wept a little and continued, “ Now we have no one who can revive the book. So, I guess it’s time to show your bravery. Young men, are you ready?”
The four of them nodded and went inside the palace, wore the armour, took their swords, and ran out to attacked the giant, who had already killed all of the soldiers. Now only the five of them were left. The king was experienced but, the four of them were sailors and knew nothing about battles. All they could do was observe the king’s movements and move. The giant was much stronger than them and killed all of them. Now only Antonie was left. The giant picked him up and And threw him on the ground then smashed him with his feet.
“NOOOOOOO” John heard a scream and then a loud thud. He quickly grabbed the flashlight and rushed to the cabin only to see Antonie lying down on the deck beside the bed. “What are you doing down there Antonie? And why did you scream so loud? It scared me to death! John yelled.
“ John… Oh, John, there was a giant, it was raining and you … you are ALIVE” cried Antonie with a quavering voice. He was trembling and sweating.
“ What on Earth are you speaking about Antonie? Did you have some kind of nightmare?” cried John with worriedness all over his face.
“ What? Did I have a nightmare? Can you tell me what’s going on?” asked Antonie while sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh Antonie, do you forget that we are on a ship and you are the captain. It’s June 11, you were tired so, you asked me to be the first mate, you came to take a nap and now it’s almost midnight” explained John calmly.
“Oh! So, I was dreaming. After all, it wasn’t a boring one but quite pathetic.” Antonie said while rubbing his eyes to get a clear vision.
“What were you dreaming? Tell it to me also” exclaimed John. Antonie stretched a little bit and both of them went out of the cabin and approached Tom, who was controlling the helm. Unexpectedly Peter was also standing there. The three of them sat near Tom and spent their night enjoying the story(dream) that Antonie had seen.
And yes the crew did experience success. On December 5 1699 the crew had discovered a new route to Rio De Janeiro ( considered a famous harbor today). The crew had become famous and finally completed their dreams.

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  1. sanchita_33 says:

    Hi! Please comment if you like my story

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