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Image depicting She’s the one

She’s the one

Image depicting She’s the one

She’s a 10 at maintaining friendships,
a 9 at emotional intelligence
an 8 at coming up with all those creative ideas
prolly a 7 for making the right amends

She’s a 6 for when she compares herself with the most beautiful voices out there
A 5 for losing a few pieces of herself in the wrong people
And then maybe a 4 for wasting her time scrolling through videos
A 3 for when she forgets she also deserves a medal

For being a 2 for not letting the wrong ones leave earlier
And a 1 at math

But what she doesn’t forget is that she’s a 10 still for trying everyday
For believing that she can
For getting up and choosing to spread love everywhere she goes
And not forgetting why she began

She’s glad she knows how to be all those numbers
She doesn’t run after perfection
She loves every part of herself
Without trying to meet those unrealistic expectations

She’s smart, she’s kind, she’s strong but not blind

She will speak up when needed
stand up for herself and others
Supports when you’re right
And understands your struggles

She’s a beauty in herself and she knows
She doesn’t pity herself and is self assured

She has hit rock bottom a few times
But she rises nevertheless to shine

She listens, she observes
She notices every word

Sometimes she stumbles
But she’s not afraid to ask for help
She can cry as loud as she laughs
She is unapologetically proud of herself

For me she’s the one
Not the adjective
But the pronoun

I feel like I’ve won
In a race with myself
Where there’s no one around

And this feeling is unmatched
I feel like I am reborn
I’ve left all the doubts behind
And risen from the storm

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Shreya Rajput

Second year student, Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi, Delhi

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