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Tyson: The Dragon’s Tale Unveiled

Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Tyson. He was very bored with his life and wanted to do something interesting and exciting. Tyson’s room only had a desk, a chair, a bed, a few broken toys and a painting of a ship called Andromeda.

After coming back from school one day, he was staring at this painting and with a sudden whoosh! he got whisked away to the Andromeda. He was sure scared out of his wits. Tyson did NOT want to show himself in front of the ship’s crew so he hid in the back deck. The ship was near an island called ‘Island of the Dragons’.

Nobody knew about this island, neither the crew, nor Tyson. The ship harboured near the island to do a bit exploring. Tyson also got out, but stealthily. He hid behind some bushes and started to search for his cell phone. Oh No! He had left his cell phone back in California!

He was very tired and melancholy so he went to sleep in a nearby cave, or at least he thought it was a cave, Tyson had gone to sleep in a dragon’s egg. When Tyson woke up, he noticed scales on himself and him breathing fire. He had turned into a dragon! Now, he was marooned on the island forever!

Suddenly, he felt a tugging on his arm. His mother was waking him up for school. It was all a dream…. all a dream.

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Shreyansh Jha

6, Campion, Mumbai, Maharashtra

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